Green Card Holders – Rights and Responsibilities of Permanent Abroad Residents

Green Card Holders – Rights and Responsibilities of Permanent Abroad Residents

Green Card holders, or lawful permanent residents LPRs of the United States, enjoy a range of rights and responsibilities that define their status in the country. As permanent residents, they have the right to live and work in the U.S. indefinitely. This status allows them to pursue employment opportunities without needing employer sponsorship and to enjoy the benefits of stability and security in their professional lives. Additionally, they are entitled to access public education and various social services, such as healthcare, although they do not have access to federal benefits like Social Security or Medicare until they meet certain criteria. Permanent residents also have the right to travel outside the U.S. and return, though there are important considerations to keep in mind. Extended absences from the country can jeopardize their residency status, so it is crucial for Green Card holders to maintain their primary residence in the U.S. and to ensure that any travel abroad is temporary.

Green Card


They are also eligible to apply for U.S. citizenship after fulfilling residency requirements, which include a continuous stay in the country for a specified period and demonstrating good moral character. However, with these rights come specific responsibilities. Green Card holders are required to comply with U.S. laws and to carry their Green Card as evidence of their status. They must also file U.S. income tax returns and report their worldwide income to the Internal Revenue Service IRS. This obligation extends to the requirement of notifying the U.S. Citizenship and marcelle poirier Services USCIS of any changes in their address or personal information within a designated period. Failure to do so can lead to complications with their residency status. Another crucial responsibility is to avoid actions that could be considered grounds for deportation. This includes committing serious crimes or engaging in activities deemed as security threats.

Green Card holders must also be aware that their status can be revoked if they abandon their residency by taking up permanent residence in another country or by failing to adhere to U.S. immigration laws. In summary, while Green Card holders enjoy substantial freedoms and benefits in the U.S., they must also adhere to certain legal and civic duties. Their responsibilities include abiding by U.S. laws, maintaining their residency, fulfilling tax obligations, and keeping their personal information current with USCIS. Balancing these rights and responsibilities ensures that they can fully benefit from their status as permanent residents while contributing positively to their adopted country.

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